How to Solve Call Ended Problem in Jio Sim 2023 [Solved]

Are you tired of experiencing frequent call drops on your Jio network? Learn how to solve the Call Ended problem in Jio with our comprehensive guide. Get practical solutions, troubleshooting tips, and expert advice to enhance your calling experience on Jio.

Call drops can be frustrating for Jio network users, causing delays and disrupting effective communication. If you find yourself frequently experiencing the “Call Ended problem in Jio“, you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll look at the various reasons behind call drops and provide practical solutions to resolve this issue. Whether you’re using a Jio SIM card in your mobile device or relying on Jio’s VoLTE services, we’ve got you covered.

How to Fix Call Ended Problem in Jio

If you’re tired of dealing with the frustrating “Call Ended problem in Jio” network, this section will guide you through the necessary steps to troubleshoot and fix the issue.

Call drops can occur for various reasons, including network coverage issues, SIM card problems, software glitches, or incorrect network settings. You can identify the root cause of a problem and implement appropriate solutions by following the simple steps in this article.

Ensuring Stable Network Coverage

To begin addressing the call drop problem, it’s important to ensure that you have a stable network connection. Poor signal strength or weak network coverage can contribute to call drops on the Jio network. Here are some simple steps you can take to improve your Jio network coverage:

  1. Reposition yourself: Move to a different location where the network reception is stronger, such as near a window or away from obstacles that may interfere with the signal.
  2. Check network availability: Verify if Jio’s network services are available in your area. You can visit Jio’s official website or use their network coverage map to check for any service disruptions or maintenance work.
  3. Try another device: If possible, test your Jio SIM card on a different device to determine if the call drop issue persists. This will help identify whether the problem lies with your device or the network itself.

Check for SIM Card Issues

A faulty or improperly inserted SIM card can also contribute to call drops. To ensure that your Jio SIM card is working properly, follow these simple steps:

  1. Remove and reinsert the SIM card: Power off your device, remove the SIM card, and carefully reinsert it. Make sure the SIM card is correctly positioned in the SIM tray.
  2. Clean the SIM card and SIM tray: If there is dust or debris on the SIM card or SIM tray, carefully clean them using a soft cloth or cotton swab. Ensure that there is no damage to the SIM card or SIM tray.
  3. Try a different SIM card: If you have access to another Jio SIM card, try using it on your device. If the call drop issue persists with a different SIM card, the problem may be with your device rather than the SIM card itself.

Troubleshooting Jio VoLTE Settings

Jio relies on VoLTE (Voice over LTE) technology for high-quality voice calls. If the VoLTE settings on your device are misconfigured or disabled, it can result in call drops. To troubleshoot your Jio VoLTE settings, follow these steps:

  1. Enable VoLTE: Go to your device’s settings and navigate to the “Mobile Network” or “Cellular Network” settings. Look for the option to enable VoLTE and ensure it is turned on. This may differ depending on your device’s manufacturer and the version of the operating system.
  2. Set VoLTE as the preferred network: In the same settings menu, you may find an option to set the preferred network type. Choose “LTE/4G” or “LTE/WCDMA/GSM” to prioritize VoLTE for voice calls.
  3. Restart your device: After making changes to the VoLTE settings, restart your device to apply the changes effectively.

Updating Your Device Software

Outdated device software can sometimes lead to compatibility issues with the Jio network, resulting in call drops. Keeping your device software up to date can help resolve such issues. Here’s how to upgrade the software on your device:

1. Check for updates: Go to your device’s settings and look for the “Software Update” or “System Update” option. Tap on it to check for any available updates.

Updating Your Device Software to Fix Call Ended Problem in Jio

2. Download and install updates: If an update is available, follow the on-screen instructions to download and install it. Make sure your device is connected to a stable Wi-Fi network or has sufficient mobile data to complete the update process.

Download and install updates to Fix Call Ended Problem in Jio

Optimizing Network Settings on Android

On Android devices, optimizing network settings can potentially improve your calling experience on Jio. Here are some settings you can adjust:

1. Preferred network type: Go to the “Network & Internet” or “Connections” settings on your Android device. Look for the “Mobile Network” or “Cellular Network” option and tap on it. Select “Preferred network type” and choose “4G” or “LTE” as the preferred option.

Network mode selection

2. Network mode selection: In the same settings menu, you may find an option for “Network mode” or “Network selection.” Tap on it and select “Automatic” or “LTE/WCDMA/GSM” to allow your device to automatically connect to the Jio network.

Optimizing Network Settings on Android

3. Disable mobile data switching: Some Android devices have a feature that automatically switches between mobile data and Wi-Fi networks based on signal strength. Disable this feature to ensure your device maintains a stable connection to the Jio network.

Clearing Cache and Data of Calling Apps

Over time, accumulated cache and data in your calling apps can impact their performance and lead to call drops. Clearing the cache and data of these apps can potentially resolve the issue. Follow these steps:

1. Go to app settings: Open your device’s settings and navigate to the “Apps” or “Applications” section.

2. Select the calling app: Look for the app you use for making calls (e.g., Phone, JioCall) and tap on it.

3. Clear cache and data: Within the app’s settings, you should find options to clear the cache and data. Tap on these options to remove unnecessary data from the app.

Clearing Cache and Data of Calling Apps

4. Restart the app: After clearing the cache and data, close the app and restart it to ensure the changes take effect.

Enabling and Disabling Airplane Mode

Enabling and disabling Airplane Mode can help refresh your device’s network connection and potentially resolve call drop issues. Here’s how to do it:

1. Enable Airplane Mode: Swipe down from the top of your device’s screen to access the Quick Settings panel. Tap on the Airplane Mode icon to enable it. Alternatively, you can go to your device’s settings and manually enable Airplane Mode.

Enabling and Disabling Airplane Mode

2. Wait for a few seconds: Keep Airplane Mode enabled for about 10-15 seconds to allow your device to disconnect from all networks.

3. Disable Airplane Mode: After the waiting period, disable Airplane Mode either from the Quick Settings panel or the device’s settings. Your device will reconnect to the network, and you can resume using your Jio services.

Resetting Network Settings

If all else fails, resetting your device’s network settings can help eliminate any misconfigurations or conflicting settings causing call drops. Keep in mind that this will erase your saved Wi-Fi networks and Bluetooth pairings. Follow these steps:

1. Go to network settings: Open your device’s settings and navigate to the “System” or “General Management” section.

General Management Resetting Network Settings

2. Reset network settings: Look for an option to “Reset” or “Reset Network Settings.” Tap on it and confirm your action when prompted.

Resetting Network Settings to Fix Call Ended Problem in Jio

3. Set up network connections: After the reset, reconnect to your Wi-Fi networks and pair your Bluetooth devices as needed.

Resetting Network Settings

Switching Network Preferences

In some cases, switching your network preferences from 4G to 3G or vice versa can help resolve call drop issues. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to network settings: Open your device’s settings and navigate to the “Mobile Network” or “Cellular Network” section.
  2. Select preferred network: Look for an option to choose your preferred network type (e.g., LTE/4G, 3G, 2G). Switch to a different network type than your current selection.
  3. Test the new setting: After making the switch, make a test call to see if the call drop problem persists. If the issue is resolved, you can stick with the new network preference. If not, revert to your original network preference.

How to Fix Call Drops during Roaming

If you experience call drops specifically when you’re roaming, there are a few additional steps you can take to mitigate the issue:

  1. Enable International Roaming: Check if you have enabled international roaming on your Jio number. This can typically be done through the Jio website or mobile app.
  2. Choose network manually: While roaming, you can manually select a preferred network provider instead of relying on automatic network selection. Go to your device’s network settings and look for an option to choose a network manually. Select a network with good coverage and test if the call drop issue persists.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How do I fix Call Ended Problem in Jio SIM?

To fix the “Call Ended Problem in Jio SIM“, try these steps: ensure a strong network signal, restart your device, clean and reinsert the SIM card properly, reset network settings, and disable call forwarding. If the problem persists, contact Jio customer support for further assistance.

2. Is there any way to improve network coverage at home?

Yes, you can try placing your Wi-Fi router in a central location, away from obstructions, to ensure better network coverage. Additionally, using a Wi-Fi extender or booster can help extend the coverage range.

3. Can using a different phone solve the call drop problem?

Yes, call drops can sometimes be device-specific. Trying a different phone can help determine if the issue lies with your device or the network.

4. Should I contact Jio customer support for assistance?

If the call drop problem persists despite trying the troubleshooting steps mentioned in this article, reaching out to Jio’s customer support can provide further assistance and guidance.

5. Are there any third-party apps to enhance call quality on Jio?

While there are several calling apps available, it’s recommended to rely on Jio’s official services for the best compatibility and support.

6. Is call dropping a common issue across all Jio plans?

Call drops can occur irrespective of the Jio plan you’re subscribed to. The troubleshooting steps mentioned in this article are applicable to all Jio plans.

7. Why do I experience call drops only in certain locations?

Call drops in specific locations can be attributed to weak network coverage or network congestion in those areas. It’s advisable to check the network coverage map provided by Jio to see if there are any known issues in your location.


Experiencing call drops can be incredibly frustrating, but by following the simple steps in this article, you can address the “Call Ended problem in Jio” effectively. From ensuring stable network coverage to optimizing network settings and troubleshooting SIM card issues, these solutions will help you enhance your calling experience. Remember, if the issue persists, don’t hesitate to contact Jio’s customer support for further assistance. Enjoy uninterrupted conversations on your Jio network!

How to Solve Call Ended Problem in Jio Sim 2023 [Solved]

My name is Deep Patel and I Am Founder & Author of this blog. I love to do Blogging related to Latest Tech News, Gadgets, Upcoming Mobile Phone, Latest Mobile Phone, Reviews, How to and Etc.

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